Reasons why sleep is so important (I)

A few days ago we echoed a study conducted on the sleep habits of the Spanish. The report showed that the vast majority of adults do not sleep 8 hours recommended by WHO, while highlighting other problems such as poor sleep quality in a high percentage of respondents or how complicated it is to wake on Monday and we join the routine.

Razones por las que dormir bien es tan importante

All these problems underscore the need to influence the importance of sleep for health and wellbeing. There is widespread evidence that poor rest and sleep a few hours at night are important risk factors to suffer numerous diseases.

By contrast, the benefits of sleep are innumerable. In this special, which we divided into two parts- we will focus on the main reasons why sleep is so important. However, to achieve this important goal, it is important to banish a number of things from our bed and bedroom, as we saw a few days ago.

- Poor sleep can make you fat

dormir bien es tan importante

Lack of sleep is directly related to weight gain. It is shown that short sleepers have to outweigh the resting get well every day. Moreover, the short duration of sleep is one of the major risk factors of obesity. This problem is especially important in children, since one is a direct relationship between not get enough sleep and overweight children.

It is thought that the effect of sleep on weight is determined by numerous factors, including hormones and motivation to exercise. So if you are wanting to lose weight, you not only have to worry about changing your diet and exercise, but should strive for quality sleep.

- People who sleep well consume fewer calories

Razones por las que dormir bien

In relation to the above, persons deprived of sleep have more appetite during the day tend to eat more calories. This is because you lack sleep disrupts the daily fluctuations in appetite hormones, causing poor appetite regulation. This includes higher levels of germinates, the hormone that stimulates appetite, and reduced levels of leptin, the hormone that suppresses their appetite.

- Sleep well improve concentration and productivity

dormir bien afecta a la concentración

Sleep plays an important role in various processes of brain function. Including cognition, concentration, productivity and performance are included. They will be adversely affected by lack of sleep. To take an obvious example, internal physicians who accumulate more hours without sleep discuss 36% more serious medical errors compared to those who are rested.

On the other hand, has shown that sleep improves our ability to solve problems and also the performance and memory of children and adults.

- Good sleep improves athletic performance

dormir bien mejora el rendimiento en el ejercicio

A nice break significantly improves the speed, accuracy, reaction time and mental wellbeing. By contrast, sleep less time recommended is associated with poor performance in sport.

Furthermore, in the elderly, sleep deprivation is associated with slower walking, decreased grip strength and greater difficulty in performing activities independently.

- People who get little sleep are at greater risk for heart disease and stroke

dormir bien evitar enfermedades cardiacas

It is shown that the quality and duration of sleep can have a major effect on many risk factors. If you do not sleep well, the risk of chronic disease and heart is much higher.

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